If you are looking to repair your probe card, you have come to the right place. This article will go over some of the different types of repairs you can perform to your probes, including the acoustic and wet cleaning, abrasive cleaning, and sticky tape.
Cleaning the probe tip
When performing probe card repair, the process of cleaning
the probe tip is very important. This process removes lint, flux, debris, and
other contaminants. It also improves the contact between the pad and die. Probe
card manufacturers typically provide cleaning instructions. However, there are
a variety of factors that can influence the frequency of cleaning, including
the material of the probe tip, its shape, and the contactor technology.
The frequency of cleaning is directly related to the life of
the probe, as well as the efficiency and yield of the equipment. Optimizing the
cleaning frequency is critical to maximizing uptime and test yield. In most
cases, the probe tip can be cleaned using a non-abrasive method. For a BeCu,
this can include wet or acoustic methods.
Abrasive cleaning
Cleaning a probe card may be more than just a simple swipe.
It can affect its life, its throughput, and its overall performance. To
determine the right cleaning strategy, it's important to understand the
different types of probe tips and the best way to clean them.
The most obvious abrasive cleaning method is to apply a
lapping film or abrasive. These materials are composed of abrasive particles
mounted on a polyester backing film. Using these media can be a cost-effective
alternative to chemical cleaning.
Although the abrasive cleaning process has its limitations,
it can be used to get rid of debris and micro scratches. A chuck sized at least
two times the diameter of the tip will ensure a smooth distribution of the
abrasive particles. The optimal cleaning frequency will improve the efficiency
and lifetime of your test equipment. In addition, it will allow you to retest
more often.
Wet and acoustic cleaning
The use of proper cleaning methods to maintain the
functionality of test equipment is essential. This is especially true with
modern high density probe cards. A properly cleaned card should be able to
sustain a wafer level probing test for a reasonable period of time. The first
step is to develop an effective strategy for the job. While many testing
equipment manufacturers offer guidance, it is up to the user to determine the
most appropriate cleaning method for his or her particular application.
For example, there are several options for acoustic cleaning.
These methods should be compared side by side and evaluated for their strengths
and weaknesses. Some of the more commonly used acoustic techniques include
acoustic pressure cleaning, acoustic vacuum cleaning and acoustic electrostatic
Sticky tape
When choosing a sticky tape for probe card repair, it is
important to consider several factors. In addition to the material type, there
are a number of manufacturing parameters that influence the performance of the adhesive
For instance, the diameter of the wire used to construct the
probe tip influences the contact resistance. Typical wire diameters range from
six to 15 mils. Smaller diameters are more difficult to process.
Similarly, the size of the pad that the probe tips will
contact influences the contact force. A pad pitch of more than 3.5 mils
provides the best opportunity for robust design. If the pad is too small,
alignment problems can arise. However, a large pad can also affect
manufacturing feasibility. Another factor that can affect the quality of the
probe card Repair is the bend angle of the probe. This parameter is expressed
in degrees. Depending on the design of the probe card, it can either be concave
or convex.
X error, Y error, and theta (rotational) error
The cost of a probe card Repair may vary based on the
particular technology you are using, but it does not necessarily tie you to the
punch. In the real world, you can find a good deal on a high quality probe at
the bargain bin if you know where to look. Some of the cheapest probe cards can
be found for less than a quarter of a penny.
The key is to locate a reputable manufacturer. A cursory
search will turn up dozens of vendors in your local area. Taking the time to
find the best match will ensure a happy and successful outcome for you and your
pocketbook. It is also a great way to get your name on the radar of the tech
slingers in your office.